"Porno" by Sodabeat
Interactive videoclip

More GIFs

An interactive video clip for the song "Porno" by the electro-pop group "Sodabeat". The Song tells of a head spinning reality of self-proclaimed stars and about being stuck in your own loop. Inevitably the video clip is based on the GIF format that allowes an endless loop of images, a format that has come into widespread usage over the virtual world in recent years. Inspired by the Internet and today's pop culture, it presents a saturated, dazzling and humorous world of images and references from video and computer games, TV, comics, the tech world and more. 

Created with Shira Haran at Bezalel, Academy of Arts and Design | 2103

GIF Gaming - UX Challenges

Our goal was to create a game that will be just as interesting to watch even if you choose not to participate at all it. GIFs were not only the context as a cultural phenomenon but the perfect building blocks for that purpose. Trying to figure out how to make a GIF into a simple game, we came up with the "losing loop - winning loop" concept and made dozens of gif mini games that can be won with a single click.


What goes into making dozens of GIF Mini Games

This Interactive Video Clip is really an elaborate board of hundreds of GIFs, some are endless loops of images we created from scratch or from ready made materials we found in the spectacular World Wide Web. Some of the GIFs were created as mini games and had to be thought out. The mini games must have a target, a "Winning loop" and a "Losing loop". Some of the games even had special cursors that clue you in on the goal of the game once you hover over the GIF.

Target no. 1
Win & Lose loops

Target no. 2
Win & Lose loops

Get to the Targets before the shark
Fixed loop

Your cursor
Use it wisely

Mapping as Storyboarding

As a player, you are taken on a ride through the world of GIFs we created, each verse of the song stops you in a different location on the map. When the verse ends you're taken to the next location, finding and winning as much GIF mini games as possible untill the song and the ride ends.

game map fullgame map full

The full game map

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